There are several historic trails in Shuinandong, Jinguashi, and Jiufen area. Tourists may enjoy the historic atmosphere and natural scenery along these trails. DaCuKeng area is Wu, Nian-Zhen's hometown. He is a famous movie director in Taiwan. DaCuKeng Historic Trail tells history of past prosperity and present decline.The starting point of the DaCuKeng Historic Trail is close to 15 kilometer mark on 102 Country Road. And it ends at North 37 Country Road (RuiHou Road). DaCuKeng Historic Trail can connect to Chintzupei Scenic Trail. Tourists may walk along the Chintzupei Scenic Trail from HouDong to DaCuKeng Historic Trail.The total distance of the trail is approximately 4 kilometers. Tourists can walk along the bridge to the valley. There are several abandoned villages and houses. It was the famous DaCuKeng village. The abandoned school is DaShan elementary school. There are only remains now.