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New Taipei City Travel

Wazihwei Nature Reserve

Wazihwei Nature Reserve

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Updates : 2024-12-02

Travel tips

  • Stop by visiting Bali Left Bank, Bali Aquatics Center, and Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology.
  • The sea breeze is strong in autumn and winter, so visitors must keep warm. Remember to wrap up in sports scarves and wear windproof goggles!
  • At low tide, enjoy the sampans at the unnamed wharf of Wazihwei.
  • Watch the Mudskipper and fiddler crabs and mudskippers in the wetlands.


Wazihwei Nature Reserve is a 30-hectare ecological reserve. It is called "Wazih" because of the estuary's curved terrain. The lagoon-like terrain provides a good growth environment for mangroves. It is the largest mangrove area on the left bank of the Tamsui River. The main conservation objects of Wazihwei are Kandelia and the animals and plants that live with them. The most beautiful scene in the park is the lush green Kandelia and the blue boat resting on the beach.

Exploring the Ecology of Mangrove Wetlands
Besides Kandelia, observe precious wetland ecology in Wazihwei, including mangroves and various estuarine plants such as Seahore vine morning glory and common reedgrass. During the daily ebb and flow, see different creatures, such as mudskippers, fiddler crabs, batillaria zonalis, barnacles, etc. It is also an essential base for bird watching in autumn and winter in the Northern Areas, where numerous migratory and resident birds reside.

Overlooking Mount Guanyin from Guanhai Embankment
The Wazihwei Nature Reserve is an excellent natural geography classroom. There is a bike path where people can ride and enjoy the scenery. Many natural ecological explanatory signs along the way are educational, so parent-child families often come here to collect homework materials. Walking into the Guanhai Embankment to the north part of Wazihwei, overlook a comprehensive view of the beautiful scenery, such as the Bali Aquatics Center, Mount Guanyin, and Tamsui.
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