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New Taipei City Travel

Shengping Theater

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Updates : 2024-03-22


The history of Shengping Theater started in 1916. Yan, Yun-Nian provided the land and Taipei City Government raised funds. A simple theater was built beside the market of Jishan Street. Taiwanese Opera was mostly performed on the stage. This theater can accommodate around 400 people. It is the predecessor of Shengping Theater.After it collapsed in 1927, the theater was built at the present site in 1934, and construction was completed in 1937. It has an area of 200 pings. It was renamed to Shengping Theater after Taiwan Restoration. Shengping Theater was the first theater in northern Taiwan, was also the biggest theater during the Japanese Colonial Era.The square in front of the theater is located near the intersection of Shuqi Road and Qingbian Road, nearby "Qingbian Station". 1930s was the golden age of Jiufen. A lot of people came to Jiufen for the gold mine. Shengping Theater became the most important entertainment spot for the gold diggers. In 1960s, the theater was converted to reinforced concrete construction. It was a major transportation hub, recreation center, and food market in the past. However, with the decline of gold mine, people moved to other place. The theater was alomst destroyed by typhoon and was closed in 1986. Afterward, it was transferred to "C.Y.Lee & Partners Architects".Because some famous movies were filmed there, it became a famous landmark in Jiufen. Although it is not a transportation hub now, there are always lots of tourists that come to visit and take photo here. "C.Y.Lee & Partners Architects" donated the theater to city government in 2010. The current building renovation will keep the spirit of the building. The traditional black asphalt roof and wood beam will be constructed here. Theater renovated will be completed and open to the public in 2011.
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