During the period from summer to autumn, hornet activity reaches its peak. It is advisable to avoid entering areas with dense vegetation or off-trail regions where you may need to clear a path yourself.
During the period from summer to autumn, the activity of hornets reaches its peak. Hornet nests are commonly found in scenic areas, suburban mountains, and hiking trails. Recently, there have been multiple incidents of people accidentally entering hornet zones, leading to injuries and fatalities caused by hornet stings.
When participating in mountain activities, please pay attention to the following precautions:Wear long sleeves, a hat, and apply mosquito repellent containing DEET when engaging in mountain activities.
- Avoid entering hornet zones, including grassy areas and remote, rarely traveled paths.
- If you spot two hornets on guard, do not proceed further or swat at them. Leave the area immediately.
- Hornet nests are often built on tree branches, so be cautious and check for nests on trees.
- If attacked by a swarm of hornets, lower your body and quickly move in the opposite direction, then call 119 for medical assistance.
- The New Taipei City Animal Protection Office, in collaboration with National Taiwan University, has conducted a survey and analysis of hornet hotspots within New Taipei City. The survey data will be used to create the "New Taipei City Hornet Hotspot Website." Before visiting suburban areas or hiking, residents are advised to check the website to avoid hornet stings.