Tamsui Lover's Bridge
There are many romantic scenic sites in the periphery of the Tamsui Fisherman’s Wharf, and Tamsui Lover’s Bridge is a favored place for couples in love. The soft-toned Lover’s Bridge features a sailboat shape, whereas the different sized boats berthed at the wharf opposite to the Lover’s Bridge offer an alternative sentiment. It is recommended to visit the Lovers Bridge to admire the sunset during dusk hours, which is magnificent with the sunlight from the setting sun shining on the surface of the river. When night falls, it transforms into a resplendent project mapping show with rainbow colors that vary with the time to light up the Tamsui riverside. It will be even more convenient to go there with the availability of the Danhai Light Rail “Blue Sea Line,” where one can experience the romantic sea views after getting off at the Fisherman’s Wharf Station.